Thursday, 29 July 2010


Just to let everyone know that we have our own website. Please take a look at

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Next new project in Chiziro,Chipata,Zambia

We are now hoping to start a school from scratch in Chiziro. This will mean lots more fundraising and applying for grants. The children in this village have to walk 5 miles over rough terrain to get to the nearest school.The roads are impassible during the rainy season. This is a big project but hopefully hundreds of children will gain from the new school.

Monday, 26 July 2010

Kit from Bedford

We have just recived these new photos from Rev.Alick showing the pupils wearing sports kit that was donated to the school by Dr Simon Lowe and his local football team. It is so good to think that clothes that are no longer needed in the UK can be used in Zambia. Thanks a lot Simon for arranging this for Teacher Aid.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Quiz night success

Thanks to all those who attended our quiz night and supper yesterday.It was a great success.The money raised will be sent to Ndola this week so that a start can be made on the third classroom. A special thankyou to The Wilsons who organised the quiz and all those people who helped on the night.