Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Feeding Jar Project

We are pleased to announce that St Iltyd's High School in Cardiff is the latest school to join the Feeding Jar Project.We are very grateful to the school for getting involved and hope that many pupils will collect their loose change to help feed the children in the Ethembeni School in Chiziro,Zambia.

Carols by Candlelight 2011

What a great time we had again this year.The Radyr High School chamber choir was wonderful and Kate Morgan on piano made the evening go with a swing. We raised plenty of money due to very generous donations from over 100 guests.Everyone went away in festive mood and we were thrilled to be able to send the money to Zambia to help with the costs of building the new school in Chiziro.
The next fundraising event is on Saturday 14th January at Lisvane Memorial Hall. It is a four course Gourmet Supper with light entertainment by members of the WNO. Details are on our website.