Monday, 29 June 2009


Thanks to Val ( in the pink) an old school friend who was our bingo caller for the night.This proved to be a great money spinner and added greatly to the overall takings on the night. You can also see Bev ( pink sunburnt arm!) who never fails to support our events. Her daughter Holly hopes to go over to the school in 2010 to help out for a few weeks. If anyone else is interested in doing some volunteering at the school drop us an email.


  1. I am amazed at how this chairty has grown. I have only just found the comment on my blog (I assume that no one leaves comments and so carry on writing into the void as it were!) but I was delighed to have been directed towards the information which show the extent of the involvement of so many in what started as a small attempt to help, almost in a one-off way!

    My congratulation to all concerned and I will certainly follow developments with interest from here in Catalonia.

    Best wishes and good luck!


  2. Thanks Stephen. At last someone has left a comment!
